Me, Pouria and Tom are heading over to Berlin for the Web2.0 Expo together with Polopoly. While in Berlin we´re gonna meet up with the always inspiring Phil Campbell (
http://me.dm). Phil will team up with Christian Payne (aka Documentally
http://ourmaninside.com ) to cover all cool things that are cooking during the week. Hopefully they will get a Wi-Fi connection during the whole time at the venue.
Both guys are from England and are very active social media guys and do a lot of video and videoblogging. You can see some of their stuff over on their rezpondr sites (
http://medm.rezpondr.com and
http://documentally.rezpondr.com) and those will be updating over the coming days - most of the live stuff will be shot and done using Bambuser!
We´re really looking forward to meet Phil and Christian in real life! Expect some great interviews, great folks and some cutting edge tech-terms you´ve never heard before!
For you all of you who are in Berlin, visit us at the Polopoly stand or catch us in the hall. If we´re nearby a bar, come have a beer with us and chat about anything you like!