Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Get Premium today!

Bambuser's Premium solutions are used by different organizations, societies, corporations and brands, who all understand and enjoy the benefits of communicating with their audiences through live and interactive video. 

With a Premium account you get ad-free broadcasts, access to extensive statistics about your viewers, online support and much more. Also, you get the opportunity to talk and email with our lovely crew.

Bambuser Premium is simple and engaging, and there's now a great discount! Until May 15, we offer all our Premium packages at a 30 % discount if you sign up for a 12-month contract. It doesn't get much better than this!

Email us at or use the form on our Premium page and we'll get you started.

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Chat update

We want to inform you about a change concerning the Bambuser chat. From now on, all Bambuser chat rooms require login by default, either using a Bambuser account or a Facebook account. We believe this will provide a more structured chat, a better overview of who's chatting with you and better moderation options.

Should you, however, prefer to have an unrestricted chat, this is still possible. Simply go to your Bambuser Dashboard and find Customize your player under settings in the right column.

The Chat and Require login to post in chat room check boxes are checked by default but you can choose to clear Require login to post in chat room and your viewers can post in the chat without logging in. You can also disable chat and comments entirely by clearing the Chat room check box.

We hope this new default login requirement and the options that come with it is something you will all benefit from.

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Kazakhstan - Another regime blocks Bambuser

Bambuser has previously been blocked by regimes in countries like Egypt, Bahrain and Syria, and now the service and web site seems to be blocked in Kazakhstan as well. We've gotten several emails from users in Kazakhstan saying they can't use the app through the mobile networks nor access the web site on the Internet, and we've seen several tweets saying the same. The last broadcast from Kazakhstan was made more than 3 months ago.

It's obvious that live video is a powerful tool in democratization processes, and it's equally obvious that regimes in non-democratic countries fear live and unedited video being broadcast directly to the rest of the world. We're sad and upset to see this happen. Discussions around Internet freedom and freedom of speech are more important now than ever. We don't know what Kazakhstan's regime fear, but we think it's important to inform about censorship. Hopefully it can lead to discussions about democracy and internet freedom not only in Kazakhstan, but in all countries where governments exercise their power to control communications.

Bambuser was founded with a fundamental valuation and goal: that all people should have the right to express their opinions and share it with whoever they like, regardless of where they are based geographically. This right is is not accepted by some countries' leaders and we have and will continue to help people in situations like this, to get their message out as well as bring up the wrongdoings of such governments and regimes.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

اجعل أسوشيتد بريس تتواصل معك بخصوص محتوى ذو أهمية إخبارية

ليشاركوها علي مدوناتهم، وتويتر، وفيسبوك، ومواقع اجتماعية آخري.

إبتداءاً من اليوم، يمكن لأي مستخدم بامبوزر أن يصل إلي جمهور في جميع أنحاء العالم من خلال الشبكات الإخبارية لوكالة أنباء الأسوشيتد بريس.

وكالة أنباء الاسوشيتد بريس، والتي تأسست عام 1846، هي أكثر مصدر موثوق فيه للأخبار والمعلومات المستقلة حول العالم. في أي يوم، أكثر من نصف سكان العالم يشاهدوا أخبار تأتي من الاسوشييتد بريس. الموقع الالكتروني للوكالة:

نحن نعتقد أن الأناس الذين يشاهدون الأحداث عاجلة هم مواطنون في المكان الصحيح والوقت الصحيح، أو نشطاء ومواطنين يقوموا بالتقاط ومشاركة ما يقوموا بتصويره من الخطوط الأمامية أو من موقع الحدث باستخدام برنامج بامبوزر للبث المباشر. ما شاهدناه مؤخرا هو ازدياد تأثير المحتوى الذي ينتجه المواطنون ومساهمته في التقارير الإعلامية الكبرى.

"المحتويات المُنتجة من قبل المستخدم أصبحت جزء لا يتجزأ من تغطية الأخبار العاجلة، وخصوصا عندما تكون الأحداث في نطاق جغرافي يصعب الوصول إليه. وبصفة الاسوشيتد بريس منظمة دولية لتجميع الأخبار متواجدة في أكثر من 300 موقع حول العالم، فإن لديها الخبرة في التحقق من صحة الأخبار والإضافة لها من خلال تقاريرنا" - مارك دايفوس، نائب مدير الفيديو الدولي بالاسوشيتد بريس.

مستخدمي بامبوزر يمكنهم السماح لوكالة الأسوشيتد بريس بتوزيع مقاطع الفيديو الخاصة بهم على جميع وسائل الإعلام على مستوى العالم مع ذكر المصدر بالكامل (اسم المستخدم الخاص بك على بامبوزر سيضاف على مقطع الفيديو أثناء عرضه على التلفاز، سيذكر عند نشره على الانترنت وهكذا)، وذلك من خلال قيام مستخدمي باموزر بالموافقة على شروط الاستخدام الخاصة بالأسوشيتد بريس. يمكن منح الوكالة هذه الموافقة من خلال الإعدادات الموجودة بصفحة لوحة التحكم (Dashboard) الخاصة بك .

الأسوشيتد بريس يمكنها الوصول إلي واستخدام مقاطع الفيديو على بامبوزر التي تعتبرها ذو قيمة إخبارية والتحقق منها. وبموجب الاتفاق بين بامبوزر ووكالة الأسوشيتد بريس، ، فإن الوكالة ستنظر فيه إمكانية استخدام منصة بامبوزر كأداة لتجميع الأخبار للصحفيين بالوكالة.

أسئلة وأجوبة:

1. كيف سيساعد التعاون بين باموزر والأسوشيتد بريس المستخدمين الحاليين والجدد لبامبوزر؟
مستخدمي بامبوزر يقوموا بالفعل ببث مقاطع فيديو ذو أهمية إخبارية، والآن أصبح لديهم الفرصة أن يقوموا بعرض مقاطعهم على جمهور في جميع أنحاء العالم.
2. متى يمكن الاستفادة بهذا؟.
في أي مكان يمتلك فيه الشخص هاتف محمول ويمكنه الاتصال بالانترنت.
3.  هل سيتم ذكر أسم من قام بتصوير مقاطع الفيديو؟.
نعم، مستخدمي بامبوزر الذين سيشاركون مقاطع الفيديو مع الأسوشيتد بريس سيحصلون على التقدير الذي يستحقونه. في جميع استخدامات الأسوشيتد بريس لمقطع الفيديو سيوجد تعريف إلزامي باسم المستخدم الذي قام بتصوير الفيديو.
4.  هل يمكن إلغاء مشاركة مقاطع الفيديو مع الأسوشيتد بريس بعد الموافقة؟
نعم . تستطيع إلغاء مشاركة مقاطع الفيديو في أي وقت.
5. أثناء الموافقة على مشاركة مقاطع الفيديو، لماذا على مستخدمي بامبوزر أن يضيفوا بيانات اتصال؟
إذا كان الفيديو ذو أهمية إخبارية، فإن وكالة الأسوشيتد بريس سترغب في الحصول منك على تفاصيل عن الفيديو. إضافة بيانات الاتصال ستسهل لصحفيي الأسوشيتد بريس أن يتواصلوا معك إذا احتاجوا لذلك.

- الخبر الصحفي على الأسوشيتد بريس.

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Chat login options, updates and a reminder

There are always things going on in the Bambuser world. In our last newsletter, we had some news and tips that we would like to share with you here, on our blog as well.

Require login for your chat

If you want to allow chat messages and comments only from users who are logged in, you can now enable this on your Dashboard. In the right column, under Settings and Customize your player, you can check Require login.

Require login

This can give you more control over who participates in your chat, and makes moderation more powerful.

Updates for Android

We're constantly improving our mobile applications, and our Android app has recently been updated to version 1.5.2 with many small changes. The update brings improved video encoding to several modern phones, adds support for camera LEDs, and includes many model-specific fixes and tweaks. As always, you can get the latest version through the Google Play Store, formerly known as the Android Market.

Uploading unsent complement data

Bambuser stream health bar Being truly LIVE is the most important aspect of Bambuser broadcasting, and our mobile applications are therefore designed to adapt to the varying upload speed of mobile networks. If broadcasting using the chosen quality settings produces more data than your connection can send live, parts of the data may be stored temporarily on your phone instead. This allows us to keep latency at an absolute minimum at all times while you are live.

Keep an eye on the stream health indicator in the mobile app to see how your connection currently handles your chosen settings. If some data can not be sent live, it can be stored in your phone, provided that you have the feature enabled. You may upload any stored unsent data at any time after broadcasting live. When you have uploaded the unsent data for a broadcast, our servers will combine the live-data with the uploaded data, put all the data in the right order and create a smoother broadcast that can be viewed on demand.

You can read more about the stream health concept and complement data on our help page.

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Let Associated Press contact you about newsworthy content

More and more Bambuser users are utilizing their handheld devices to capture news stories to share on their blogs, Twitter, Facebook and other social media. Starting today, any Bambuser user can also reach a global audience through AP's worldwide network of news organizations.

Founded in 1846, AP today is the largest and most trusted source of independent news and information. On any given day, more than half the world's population sees news from AP. On the net:

We think the people with a great view of any breaking news event  are citizens being in the right place at the right time or activists and citizens capturing and sharing their own footage and reports from the frontline or on site by using a livestreaming app,  i.e Bambuser.  What we've seen lately is the increasing impact of this kind of user generated content contributing to the major media stories.
"User generated content has become integral to covering breaking news, particularly where access is restricted. As a global newsgathering organization in more than 300 locations worldwide, AP has the expertise to verify it, and to add context via our own reporting."
- Mark Davies, AP Deputy Director of International Video

Bambuser users can let AP distribute their content with full credit (Bambuser username credited on TV, online etc), to all media globally, by agreeing to AP's terms of use through the Settings on the Bambuser Dashboard.

AP can access and use Bambuser content it vets, verifies and considers newsworthy. As part of the arrangement with Bambuser, AP will also explore the use of Bambuser's live video platform as a news-gathering tool for AP journalists.


1. How will this co-operation benefit existing and new Bambuser users?
Bambuser users are already broadcasting their newsworthy content on the Bambuser platform, but now they will be able to expand this to global broadcasters.

2. At what kind of events is this going to prove most useful?
Anywhere where someone has a smart phone and connection.

3. Will Bambuser users be credited?
Yes, every Bambuser user sharing their content with AP will get the recognition they deserve. On all AP scripts there will be a mandatory credit for "Bambuser/Username" and for online video there will be a courtesy graphic.

4. Once someone opts in to share content, can it be undone?
Yes. You can opt-out at any time.

5. Why do Bambuser users need to provide contact details?
If a video is newsworthy, AP will often want to get more story details from you. Providing contact details will make it easier for an AP journalist to get in touch if they need to.

Read more on the net at TNW, GIGA OM, Broadcastnow, - including a video interview with AP. Find the full press release at AP.