Wednesday 21 February 2007


Live mobile phone broadcast!

What happens when anyone can start her or his own TV-station and broadcast LIVE around the clock?
This is the question that we will try to answer by sending live-TV directly through our cell phones via Internet, reaching over 200 000 households on Tv in Malmö Sweden, and possibly countless people worldwide.

- This will be the first broadcasting event by and with cell phones, say pioneers Alexander, Måns and Rebecca.

The project is called “Bambuser” and is sponsored by Rekall, N3P, ABF and TV-Malmö (The Open Channel).

- The video site Youtube reached an estimated value of 12 billion SEK within a year which makes it evident for N3P to closely follow up and support this innovative project, says Marcus Birkhofer, head of the N3P school.

Broadcasting will begin today, 22nd of February, and can be watched on or on the local station TV-Malmö.
For further information please contact:

Måns Adler, student at the Kaospilots in Århus., +46734404220

Rebecca Kopelman, Kaospilot entrepreneur.

Alexander Fölch, student at N3P Omnicommunication in Malmö, 0735-024795

Marcus Birkhofer, CEO N3P Sverige AB, 0739-73 00 01

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"Bambuser will be a Live YouTube", say the three projectleaders Måns Adler, Alexander Fölsch and Rebecca Kopelman.